This is no 3D rendering. This is a beautiful new building in The Netherland, as arty as the pieces it displays.
(more…)Twin buildings from different centuries, both dedicated to glass. Discover how.
(more…)How do you build a school in a desert climate ?
(more…)Can art save a life, a place, a village ? Here is a perfect example of what art can do …
(more…)This is no plant store, no kindergarten. But a new way to look at a usually very private place.
(more…)Japanese are world-known for their capacity in optimizing tiny spaces. Here is another amazing example.
(more…)This is not a dream, even if it is a dreamy place.
(more…)In those times of quarantine, we all realize we need extra space in our small homes. And Design has solutions for it.
(more…)This Farmhouse is not a farmhouse anymore. It has become a place for healing. Check it out.
(more…)Not a new place, but still a very cool one.