Shustov-Brandy-Bar-Odessa-Ukraine-NeoPlaces-2The decoration elements are hints … where do you use barrels and bottles ?



Switzerland, Austria, Germany ? Not at all. You are on the wrong continent ! You are in India … (more…)

surrey-hotel-new-york-art-classes-NeoPlaces -03

An outdoor art class ? For sure, but where can you practice with the Central park skyline at the back front ?



Are you in a contemporary museum ? Not at all. You are in a parking ! Check it out.



A summer nap ? What best than a hammock to enjoy it ? Well, Vienna has a solution for you …



The French superhero, Super-Dupont is wanting you. But where are you ?



In the center of Hollywood, a new building is making a statement. What is it ? An international corporation headquarter ? Guess some more or check the entire post.



An art piece ? Not really. And yet …

This is a bus stop by Sou Fujimoto ! One among other incredible bus stops in the very bold initiative of the city of Krumbach in Austria. Check it out .



A church ? A house ? A children playground ? Well no. This is an italian restaurant in Japan. Check the inside !



You are not in a psychiatrist entrance, nor in an art gallery. You are in a fearless Art Series Hotel, The Cullen. An incredible place and group to discover.
