Transforming former industrial buildings is awlays a challenge. Discover this very recent addition to the group.
(more…)You are not in a psychiatrist entrance, nor in an art gallery. You are in a fearless Art Series Hotel, The Cullen. An incredible place and group to discover.
One of the most interesting trend in places experiences today is minimalism. We propose you 5 incredible minimalist places this week.
Today: The Cleveland Museum of Contemporary Art
Est-ce l’histoire de ce lieu qui a inspiré l’artiste qui a remodelé ce lieu ?
Car, si il s’agit maintenant d’une galerie d’art, cet endroit était précédemment une maison funéraire. Bizarre, non ?
Did the story of the place impacted on the artists that renovated this place ? Well, this might be the case since this place was previously a funeral home. Weird, isn’t it ?
Place / Centre d’Art Contemporain La Synagogue de Delme/ Contemporary Art Center the Delme Synagogue, Delme, France
Artist(e)s / Berdaguer et Péjus
Information /