25 villas dans un domaine de 3.000 hectares en plein coeur de l’Ombrie – raffinement aristrocratique à l’italienne, pur plaisir.
25 villas in an 3,000 acres estate in the heart of Umbria – Italian aristocratic sophistication, pure bliss.
Place/ Castello di Reschio, San Paolo, Ombrie/Umbria, Italie/Italia
Information/ The cool hunter
Restaurants always have a hint of local. A french restaurant in Japan still carries a bit of Japan with it, and that’s nice. This Hong-Kong spanish restaurant is no exception : spanish food is great in your plate. And is great for your eyes, as the decor is smartly done with spanish cans, bottles and boxes, building lines and pillars around you. What they call a Spanish decor I suppose ?
Places/ Vi Cool, Hong-Kong, Chine/ China
Information/ Wallpaper