Shiny blue egg-shape temple in a residential garden

Giant egg-shape in the middle of the garden. Is this an art sculpture? No, check it out.

Indoor place with colourful and intriging shapes and sculptures

Giant elements, dreamlike colors… this place arouses undoubtedly one’s curiosity.


A place to dive into nature… what for?


This café located in Fujian (China) is a dream-like place where the mind can wander and creativity be unleashed.



Palm Springs is the home to so many great hotels and here is one of its icons : The Parker Hotel.



Can the use of nature in art museums become part of intelligent architecture ? Check the new Miami art museum innovation.



Luxury hotels are always looking for differentiation and innovative offers to conquer new clients. An interesting move is appearing, presenting gardens as a sensitive addition to a luxury hotel experience, just as spa were the service to offer 10 years ago.



Dubaï frappe à nouveau avec la création de ce “Jardin Miracle”: 72.000 mètres carrés de jardin, présentant 45 millions de fleurs le long de 4 kilomètres d’allées. Comment ce jardin peut-il supporter la chaleur? Un arrosage constant est à coup sûr nécessaire. Il sera bien sûr fermé pendant l’été (de Juin à Septembre). Incroyable.

Dubaï strikes again with the creation of this “Miracle Garden”: 72.000 square meters of garden, presenting 45 million flowers along 4 kilometers of walkways. How does this garden stand the heat ? with constant watering for sure. It will nonetheless be closed during summer (from June to September). Amazing.

Place/ Miracle Garden, DubaÏ, UAE

Information/ CNN


Ce projet est tellement démesuré que l’on ne sait par quel bout l’expliquer : 18 arbres géants, mesurant entre 25 et 50 mètres; conçus en jardins verticaux abritant des espèces rares et grimpantes; à la pointe de la technologie, puisqu’ils produisent leur propre énergie (avec des capteurs solaires), leur permettant de diffuser de l’énergie et de s’illuminer la nuit; ils produisent leur propre irrigation, en transformant l’humidité en eau et en la diffusant aux plantes incluses dans leur tronc; ils produisent leur propre ventilation et participent à la climatisation des serres attenantes. Des merveilles de conception, de technologie, de respect de l’environnement. Et des beautés tout court, que vous pouvez approcher de tout près grâce aux chemins suspendus. Quand Singapour décide de s’investir dans la protection de l’environnement, leurs réalisations sont à la hauteur de l’enjeu.


This project is so vast that no one knows where to start the explanations: 18 giant trees, measuring between 25 and 50 meters;  vertical gardens with rare species and vines; at the cutting edge of technology, since they produce their own energy (solar panels), allowing them to radiate energy to the plants and light up at night; they produce their own irrigation, turning moisture into water for the plants included in their trunk; they produce their own air conditioning and participate in the aire control of the greenhouses nearby. Marvels of design, technology, respect for the environment. And beauties that you can closely approach thanks to suspended paths . When Singapore chooses to invest in the protection of the environment, their achievements are up to the challenge.

Place/ Gardens by the Bay, Singapour/ Singapore

Information/ Interesting Engineering