Library with mirrors and books until the top of the shelves, which gives an impression of infinite library

This bookstore undoubtedly offers a new experience for bookworms.


Is this a library ? Well yes, well no … it’s complicated.


A house on the beach, a professional beach surveillance building ? Not at all. Much more intriguing.


Is there a perfect place to read books ?



Doesn’t it seems that the religion of books have a church ? Well, this interesting place is a bit more than that. Check it out.



We all know that we learn better in a quality environment. The Mont de Marsan Media Center (“mediathèque”) is the perfect place to enjoy reading, watching, listening …



La connaissance est là pour nous éclairer, s’est dit l’artiste Jim Sanborn, en créant cette oeuvre pour la nouvelle bibliothèque de l’Université de Houston. Des poèmes, des extraits de roman, dans toutes les langues viennent littéralement vous éclairer dès la tombée de la nuit, grâce à cette spirale de cuivre et de granit.

Did Jim Sanborn thought about the idea that knowledge will show the way ? Well with this art piece, created for the new Houston University Library, you literally see words light up the place: poems, novels and prose, in all languages are projected on the surrounding walls, thanks to the spiral of copper and granite.


Place / Bibliothèque de l’Université de Houston/ Houston University Library, USA

Design/ Jim Sanborn

Information / Designswan

Evident, me direz-vous … c’est une bibliothèque ! Eh bien, non, c’est … son parking ! Vous regardez en fait le parking de la bibliothèque de Kansas City. Projet communautaire, le parking a été conçu par un cabinet d’architecte avec le concours des habitants qui ont choisi les titres des livres mis en “vitrine” ..

Obvious will you say … I am in front of a library ! Well not quite. You are in front of a library’s parking. In Kansas City, they decided to express it through an innovative building facing and the inhabitants of the city chose the book’s titles. Would you have chosen the same ?


Place/ Parking, Kansas City, USA

Architecture/ Dimensional Innovations
