Casa-Wabi-Foundation-Mexico-NeoPlaces-1Would you believe you are in Mexico, in an amazing place created by one of the most famous architect ?



Transforming churches and abbeys into hotels is now quite common, but no other transformation has managed to reflect as perfectly as this one the original monastic atmosphere.



Blanc comme la pureté de l’âme, blanc comme la page blanche de l’esprit… un blanc qui a inspiré l’architecte qui a signé cette chapelle blanche. Au-delà du blanc, deux belles idées pour renforcer la perception de blanc absolu: un sol brillant qui reflète le toit et les sièges, et un autel transparent pour ne pas détruire la perspective. Des idées qui font la différence.


White as the purity of the soul, white as a new page in the mind … A white chapel, entirely white surrounded by the blue of the sea.  Beyond the colour, two great ideas to enhance the perception of an absolute white: a shiny floor that reflects both roof and seats, and a transparent altar to avoid destroying the view. Ideas that make the difference.

Place/ La chapelle blanche/ The White Chapel, Hong-Kong, Chine/ China

Architect(e)/ Danny Cheng

Information/ Knstrct