Built towards the sea. But what sea ? What for ? Check it out.



En suspension face à la mer / Somewhere beyond the sea

Place/ Alila Villas Uluwatu, Bali, Indonésie/ Indonesia

Information/ Conde Nast Traveller


Tetsuya Matsumotoa appelé ce lieu “Ocean of dots”, océan de points. Il est clair que l’on se perd dans ces parois vitrées et ces milliers de points. Un bureau qui fait penser aux pixels de la matrice de Matrix. Superbe.

Tetsuya Matsumotoa called this place “Ocean of dots”. Surely you can get lost between these glass walls in the midst of thousands of points. An office design that also reminds the pixel effect of Matrix. Superb.

Place / Toshin Eisei Yobiko, Okayama, Japon/Japan

Architect(e)/ Tetsuya Matsumoto de/at Matsuya Art Work