One would not say but this scale-less form hides a worldwide millennial project.


Half round and light, half square and dark… this is an intriguing contrast which almost looks like two juxtaposed pictures.


Located in the National Gallery of Victoria art museum in Australia, this merry-go-round-looking-place is full of surprises.



Have you ever seen a Hospitality brand getting involved in Politics ? This is happening now. Check it out.




L’intérieur d’un appartement un peu trendy ? Pas du tout. Vous êtes dans les locaux de la société Yelp, à internet. est un site de recherche des meilleurs endroits dans les grandes villes du monde. Et leur côté cool ressort immédiatement dans la décoration de leur siège californien. Bienvenue chez eux!


Inside a trendy apartment ? Not at all. You are in the premises of the internet company, Yelp. is an online search website, dedicated to finding the best places to go to, in the big cities of the world. Their coolness is immediately visible in the decoration of their headquarters in California. Welcome home!

Place/ Siège social de Yelp/ Yelp Headquarters, San Francisco, Etats-Unis/USA

Architect(e)/ O+A Architecture

Information/ Inthralld