
Can we offer flowers to God ? (more…)


Morocco is inventing day after day its own route into development and integrates progressively the international league of major countries. And this new beautiful luxury hotel is another great achievement on this path. Creates the urge to go and check in Fez, doesn’t it ?


Le Maroc invente jour après jour sa propre voie dans le développement et s’intégre à sa façon au de la ligue internationale des grands pays. Et ce nouvel hôtel de luxe est un autre grand pas sur cette voie. Une magnifique réalisation qui crée immédiatement l’envie d’aller passer un moment à Fès, n’est-ce pas?


Place/ Sahrai Hotel, Fez, Morocco

Architect(e)/ Christophe Pillet

Photographies/ Klaus Mellenthin

Information/ Hotels Design


Are you in a palace ? A real one or a virtual one ? Check it out.


Shustov-Brandy-Bar-Odessa-Ukraine-NeoPlaces-2The decoration elements are hints … where do you use barrels and bottles ?



Transforming churches and abbeys into hotels is now quite common, but no other transformation has managed to reflect as perfectly as this one the original monastic atmosphere.



In a very interesting manner, this rustic asian restaurant in Indonesia creates a poetic feeling.



Switzerland, Austria, Germany ? Not at all. You are on the wrong continent ! You are in India … (more…)


A color shock to the eyes ? Well, there’s more. Check it out.



Doesn’t it seems that the religion of books have a church ? Well, this interesting place is a bit more than that. Check it out.


surrey-hotel-new-york-art-classes-NeoPlaces -03

An outdoor art class ? For sure, but where can you practice with the Central park skyline at the back front ?
