Shiny blue egg-shape temple in a residential garden

Giant egg-shape in the middle of the garden. Is this an art sculpture? No, check it out.


Between mountains and sea, these colorful shapes go hand in hand with the beauty of natural landscape. But they are not just a sculpture exhibition.


This 4 blocks house is surrounded by the sea. And its architecture pays hommage to it.


Japanese are world-known for their capacity in optimizing tiny spaces. Here is another amazing example.


This is not a dream, even if it is a dreamy place.


In those times of quarantine, we all realize we need extra space in our small homes. And Design has solutions for it.


In those difficult times, we all hope we could retreat in an uplifting refuge. Here come a few of them.


A Museum, a sculpture ? Not at all. Check it out.


When reality demonstrates that you can create a fully ecological and amazingly beautiful house, you are happy to hear the lesson.


Don’t ask yourself where are you, but under where are you …
