This hotel is brand new as is the trend it embodies. #cultivacation


A place that goes for shock design.


Forum, theater, circus? This circular space is inspired by these Roman spatial shapes but is none of them.


When experience meets traditional symbolism of places of worship. 


Located in the National Gallery of Victoria art museum in Australia, this merry-go-round-looking-place is full of surprises.


Between mountains and sea, these colorful shapes go hand in hand with the beauty of natural landscape. But they are not just a sculpture exhibition.


Japanese are world-known for their capacity in optimizing tiny spaces. Here is another amazing example.


When reality demonstrates that you can create a fully ecological and amazingly beautiful house, you are happy to hear the lesson.


What if your house could open its wall when the weather gets too hot ? Discover the Adaptive Hut.


Healing and ressourcement is always better in a remote location, in full-strength nature. Well, there you are !
