This is no factory, nor industrial environment. This could exist around the corner of your street.


A little poetry to start the week. Discover this delicious shop.


Is it the bar or the drink that make the wall twist ?


A design gallery, a brand new high-tech company headquarter ? Not at all. This is an amazing renovation in China. Check it out.


Did you know that Ki means tree in Japanese ? Discover a new kind of forest to have a break …


Lost in the 18th century ? In a painting ? Absolutely not. You will never guess …

Casa-Wabi-Foundation-Mexico-NeoPlaces-1Would you believe you are in Mexico, in an amazing place created by one of the most famous architect ?



Blue like … art ? Well this is a museum. But not a museum of art. If you do not want to spend too much time thinking (as it is really not obvious), just click …



Regular buildings can be strongly improved through an outside renovation. This one is stunning.



Can we offer flowers to God ? (more…)