Optical illusion is an art. You will agree when discovering this place …
(more…)Want to change universe in a flick of an eye ? Enter this beautiful place.
(more…)A great espresso needs a first class place. Florence now has an amazing place to enjoy your coffee. Check it out.
(more…)In Singapore, we discovered the new evolution in Food courts: the Food Mall.
(more…)The latest hippest brewery is in Istanbul. And it is beautiful.
(more…)Is a restaurant created by an artist different from a restaurant created by a designer ? Check this new one.
(more…)A place for prescriptions, for sure. But not the kind you might think of. Check it out.
(more…)How to sell more desserts? This is a question all F&B ask themselves everyday. Here is a great idea discovered in Singapore.
(more…)Tradition or innovation ? This place is a perfect mix between both. Check it out.