Nawaq(41) – optical illusion spaces

By Emmanuelle
On January 12, 2017

Optical illusion is an art. You will agree when discovering this place …

The contemporary artist Peter Kogler has released an optical illusion installation in Vienna that makes you mind twist. Here are some of his ideas on how to disrupt straight lines. Click on the pictures to see them large because you’ll get dizzy otherwise.

Of course, art can be a bit over-the-top but this kind of optical illusion has already been used in a place, the Logomo Café in Turku, Finland:

Openned in 2011, it is one of the most amazing experience for a café, isn’t it ?

L’illusion optique est un art. Et l’artiste contemporain Peter Kogler a mis en place une installation d’illusions d’optique impressionnantes à Vienne. Il a sa façon de perturber les lignes droites.

Bien sûr, l’art peut être un peu extrème, mais ce genre d’illusion d’optique a déjà été utilisé dans un lieu commercial, il y a 5 ans, au Logomo Café à Turku, en Finlande.

Place/ Logomo Café, Turku, Finland

Architect(e)/ Tobias Rehberger

Information/ Designboom

Artist(e)/ Peter Kogler

Information/ bored panda