Optical illusion is an art. You will agree when discovering this place …


To all readers, clients, partners and friends,

Let’s wish for an innovative, peaceful and successful year.

Creating a space as a tribute to a great artist is a wonderful idea, as long as the place respects the artist’s spirits and do not become a caricature of his or her work.


A small place, definitely, but quite a strange one …


Are you in a cartoon ? Not at all. Click to visit !



When artists create their own home, you can be sure to enjoy a very personal point of view on architecture and design. (more…)


Not yet another beer bar … Why not ? Because it is a place where you can brew your own beer, yes you ! Check it out!



Meet El Blok, a wonderful 22 rooms eco-hotel in Puerto Rico.  And a perfect demonstration on how green can a local, creative and beautiful hotel be.



Artists in hotel are now more common. But this time, in some of the rooms of this Tokyo hotel, artists created frescos that look more like dreams coming alive. Some even look like nightmare attacks.

Do you like it or do you think it would affect your sleep ?


La création artistique dans les hôtels est aujourd’hui plus fréquente. Mais cette fois, dans quelques-unes des chambres de cet hôtel de Tokyo, les artistes ont créé des fresques qui ressemblent plutôt à des rêves qui prennent vie. Certains ressemblent plutôt à des attaques de cauchemar.

Pensez-vous que cela vous plairait ou est-ce que cela aurait une incidence sur votre sommeil ? 

Place/ Park Hotel, Tokyo, Japan

Artists/ Hiroyuki Kimura, Seihaku Akiba, Naoki Takenouchi, Kiyoko Abe, Nobuo Magome, Ryosuke Yasumoto, Masako Inkyo, Nanami Hishihara


You are not in a psychiatrist entrance, nor in an art gallery. You are in a fearless Art Series Hotel, The Cullen. An incredible place and group to discover.
