This café located in Fujian (China) is a dream-like place where the mind can wander and creativity be unleashed.
(more…)Located in the National Gallery of Victoria art museum in Australia, this merry-go-round-looking-place is full of surprises.
(more…)A great espresso needs a first class place. Florence now has an amazing place to enjoy your coffee. Check it out.
(more…)How to sell more desserts? This is a question all F&B ask themselves everyday. Here is a great idea discovered in Singapore.
(more…)Serene, delightful, positive and chic is the new atmosphere for unwinding places. The well-known Hong-Kong café brand Classified has completely integrated this new style into their new boutique design as this Repulse Bay shop demonstrates. The other shops will soon go through a renovation to improve their atmosphere. Great achievement.
Serein, délicatement chic et positif, voici la nouvelle atmosphère des lieux de détente. La marque hongkongaise de cafés Classified a complètement intégré ce style dans leur nouveau design ainsi que le démontre leur nouvelle boutique à Repulse Bay. Les autres café vont également être rénové pour améliorer leur atmosphère. Belle réussite.
Place/ Classified Cafe Repulse Bay, Hong-Kong, China
Information/ Wallpaper