Would a special agent like this villa ?
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(more…)Who said architecture couldn’t be a tribute ? This villa is clearly one. Discover to whom in the article.
When you come back to local tradition to innovate, it always end up gorgeous. See this example.
A luxury holiday villa, 6 meters above the ground, in the Atlantic Forest (Mata Atlantîca), UNESCO World Heritage site.
A contemporary design entirely made from recycled wood and locally available materials, which can be returned to the ecological cycle (cradle to cradle).
Une villa de luxe, 6 mètres au-dessus du sol, dans la Forêt Amazonienne (Mata Atlântica), site classé patrimoine mondial par l’UNESCO.
Un design contemporain entièrement fabriqué à partir de bois recyclé et de matériaux disponibles localement, tous pouvant être rendu au cycle écologique (“cradle to cradle”).
Place/ Villa Krabu, Itacaré, Bahia, Brazil
Architect/ OOS
Photographies/ Patrick Armbruster
Information/ adelto